Your donation helps us continue to provide services and programs for women and their families in St. Joseph and surrounding areas.
Donations are being accepted at our Church location – 323 N 8th Street. For further information, please contact Traci McChristy via email at or Regina Overman via email at
or call 816-232-4481Every donation makes an impact!
Provide service of a Personal Protection Order (PPO) for a victim of domestic violence struggling to find safety from her/his abuser.
Provide shelter in our safe, secure, and confidential shelter.
Provide supportive services for a victim of sexual assault during an exam.
Provide teens, ages 12-19, a safe space where they are surrounded by their peers, adult mentors and a support system at our GRIT Center.
Provide services to pregnant and parenting teens (ages 12-19) and their children ranging in age from newborn to age 3.
Provide transitional housing for a victim of domestic violence and her children.
With our needs changing on a regular basis, if you are interested in donating an item not listed, please call ahead so we may assess the need for that item.
Donations are distributed based on program need. Excess goods may be distributed to other charities as needed.
CLICK HERE to see our Amazon list.
You can now show and share your pride for YWCA’s mission with new merchandise for yourself and a loved one!
Leave a Legacy
By making YWCA St. Joseph a beneficiary in your will or estate plans, you can leave a lasting impact on the sustainability of our programs that will continue to help others.